H. P. B. as a Symbol of the Masters' Work
— From a Report of a White Lotus Day Meeting, held in London, May, 1932. At this gathering were members of various Theosophical Societies as well as friends from other Groups who came to join in tribute to H. P. Blavatsky.
Fellow Theosophists, Friends, Brothers: May I welcome you here tonight in the name of Dr. de Purucker and the Point Loma Theosophical Society? There are present members of at least six different organizations. Let us each realize our unity with each other in this short hour that we will be together in the memory of our beloved H. P. B. Let us first together enter into two minutes of silence in memory of H. P. B. and those who have passed on since 1891, and let us strive together to enter into the consciousness of that Brotherhood whose Messenger she was.
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It is almost a year since some of us met together (on June 24th it was) to celebrate the Centennial Conference. That occasion was one of which afterwards quite a number of people said, "Well, it did not accomplish very much," but we of Point Loma felt that far more had been accomplished than actually appeared on the surface. And, Brothers, you see actually what was accomplished, in this wonderful meeting here tonight. Do you realize that had it not been for the fact that we came together for the first time, I believe, in some thirty years, as members of different Theosophical organizations, this meeting here tonight would not have been possible?
Many prematurely are looking for concrete, tangible agreements between Theosophists of different organizations; but we must not try to run before we can walk. I believe that the greatest tribute that we, as individual Theosophists, can pay to H. P. B., is to demonstrate to each other and to the world the fact that we have made Theosophy a living power in our lives to the extent that at least we practice the brotherhood that we preach.
Now I want to say just one thing in this same connexion. It is this: the most that we can hope for at the present time is that by coming together occasionally on such occasions as this, and I hope by the interchange of speakers and lecturers among different Theosophical organizations, we shall learn to trust each other — and do not think that by that I mean any empty platitude — I do not; because too long has it been the unfortunate circumstance that to approach a fellow Theosophist of another organization means suspicion and distrust. Brothers, I believe that era has gone for ever, and believe me we do far more for the cause of Theosophy than we imagine if we have succeeded in just laying that one basis in our hearts and in our minds; the knowledge nay, the certainty that if one organization approaches another they know that their confidence will not be misplaced; that there will be nothing said by speakers of that other organization which would betray their trust and betray their confidence; and if we hold to just that one fact progressively in the coming months, you will be astonished, I believe, at the progress that we make toward the unification of the Theosophical movement.
H. P. B. stands as a symbol. What of? Is it her personality that we worship? Brothers and friends, let no one run away with such a misapprehension. All who love the memory of H. P. B. do so because she stands as a symbol of Masters' work — nothing else; and if we are going to do more than pay lip-tributes to the memory of H. P. B., as I see it, we have got to do two things; we have got to acquire a knowledge of what she has written, we have to study it and apply it in our own lives; and then we have got to take that knowledge, not only to the public, but on the basis of H. P. B.'s teachings we have got to find the basis for unity amongst the different Theosophical Societies. Let there be no mistake about it as to what H. P. B.'s position really was and is for the Theosophical movement. I am going to quote you these few words from one who remained true to her to the end of his life:
'The plain unvarnished truth, which hurts no one save the man who denies it, is that H. P. Blavatsky was the head, front, bottom, top, outskirts, past and future of the Theosophical Society. We were all but pawns on the chess-board, but however the facts may come out it remains a fact that the Theosophical Society stands or falls by H. P. Blavatsky. Give her up as an idea, withdraw from the Path traced by her under orders, belittle her, and the organization will rot; but remember her and what she represented and we triumph.'
Brothers, that is the position today. You demonstrate here tonight that the cause of H. P. B. is going to triumph; and the cause of H. P. B. is that of Universal Brotherhood; it is the cause of Theosophy, and in the lifetime of most of us the success of that cause is assured.
Brother Theosophists, before we part tonight may I appeal to those who are Theosophists at heart to take back with them to their Lodge-rooms the memory of the fact that it was the force of the spirit of H. P. B. that had the drawing power to bring us together tonight; and remember that the power of her message will fill your Lodge-rooms in just the same way in the years that are coming. Let us remember this meeting by welcoming to our individual Lodges the members of all other Theosophical organizations.
The Brotherhood H. P. B. Came to Found
— From a Report of a joint Meeting of the London Lodge of the Point Loma T. S. with the Phoenix Lodge of the Adyar T. S., May 8, 1934.
Fellow Theosophists, Brothers and Friends: We meet together here on the 8th of May as we love to do, to do honor to the memory of H. P. B., and I would like first of all, just to give a warm welcome to our guests, the members of the Phoenix Lodge, and any members of other Societies who are present with us tonight. We believe that on this day of the year there is probably no more fitting tribute to H. P. B.'s memory than that we should do something to demonstrate, as it were, that the idea of a real spiritual fraternity or fellowship is gradually coming to birth in this Western world of ours; that members of different organizations can come together upon a common basis in their realization of their unity with one and all, their common search for Truth, and their devotion to the Ancient Wisdom teachings that she brought to us. The main work of H. P. B. was the giving of the teachings which the Theosophical Society was created as an instrument to disseminate; but during her lifetime, unfortunately, the knowledge was brought home to her that her efforts were largely frustrated: the soil in which the teachings could alone germinate and fructify, the indispensable pre-requisite, was the existence of real brotherhood amongst the Theosophists and those who study her teachings.
I believe the time is very close at hand now when the work of the modern Theosophical Movement will really become a living fire; not only amongst the members of the different Theosophical Societies, but it will arouse the attention of the highest minds all over the world because they will discover that Theosophists, of whatever affiliation, can meet and work together in the common cause that they all love, and which she came to serve.
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It needs very few words of mine to conclude what is to me always one of the most beautiful meetings of the year. I would just like to say how at one I feel with the remarks of Brother Hamilton-Jones [President, Phoenix Lodge], where he emphasizes that part of the message of H. P. B., which insisted upon the necessity of our rising out of our ordinary everyday consciousness into a realization of the higher one. I would like to add this thought. Can we not, as our tribute to H. P. B. today, with the Fellowship that we have with each other now, begin to recognise that Universal Brotherhood need no longer be for us a mere hope and an ideal, but that it is possible for us to realize it in the true way. We cannot do the brotherly things that we would unless we follow her teaching, to the extent that we are able to rise into that higher self-consciousness which Brother Hamilton-Jones spoke about. It is in that common experience — a realization of the Divinity within us — that we can, actually do, create amongst ourselves, the Brotherhood that H. P. B. came to found; and I would like to see, in the not too distant future, the respective Lodges that are met together here tonight find some basis upon which they could work more closely than they do even in spirit today. May I just say this: that there is a Lodge already founded in Canada which has a charter from Adyar, a Charter from Point Loma, and yet another from the United Lodge of Theosophists. What the result of it will be I do not know, but at least it seems a move in the right direction.
Shall we close with a minute or two of silence in memory of H. P. B. and the Wisdom that she brought us.
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