The Pyramid Texts

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The Pyramid Texts

By Translation by Samuel A. B. Mercer

A Litany of Ascension, Utterance 539

Utterance 539.

1303a. To say: The head of N. is like that of the vulture,

1303b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1303c. The skull of N. is like that of divine stars,

1303d. when it ascends and [lifts itself to the sky].

1304a. [The forehead of N. is like that of] ---- and Nu,

1304b. when it ascends and lifts itself to the sky.

1304c. The face of N. is like that of Wepwawet,

1304d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1305a. The eyes of N. (are like those of) the Great One who is chief of the Souls of Heliopolis,

1305b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1305c. The nose of N. is like that of Thot,

1305d. when he ascends [and lifts himself to the sky].

1306a. [The mouth of] N. is like that of him who traverses the great lake,

1306b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1306c. The tongue of N. is like that of truth in the boat of truth,

1306d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1307a. The teeth of N. are (like those of) spirits,

1307b. when he ascends and lifts, himself to the sky.

1307c. The lips of N. are like those of -----)

1307d. [when he ascends and lifts] himself to the sky.

1308a. The chin of N. is like that of Hrti-?nti-?m,

1308b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1308c. The back of N. is like that of the wild-bull,

1308d. when he ascends, and lifts himself to the sky.

1309a. The arms of N. are like those of Set,

1309b. when he ascends and lifts himself [to the sky].

1309c. ---------------------

1309d. [when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky].

1310a. ----- like -- B?ibw,

1310b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1310c. The heart of N. is like that of Bastet,

1310d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1311a. The belly of N. is like that of Nut,

1311b. when he ascends and lifts himself [to the sky].

1311c. -----------------

1311d. [when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky].

1312a. ----- of N. -- like --- of the Two Enneads,

1312b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1312 C. The seat of N. is like that of ?e?et,

1312d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1313a. The buttocks of N. are like those of the boat of the evening, and the boat of the morning,

1313b. when he ascends and lifts, himself to the sky.

1313c. The phallus of N. is like that of ?api,

1313d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1314a. The thighs of N. are like those of Neit and Ser?et,

1314b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1314c. The legs of N. are like those of the two souls who are before the field dr,

1314d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1315a. The feet of N. are like those of the two morning boats of the sun,

1315b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1315c. The toes of N. are like those of the Souls of Heliopolis,

1315d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1316a. N. is he who belongs to a god, the son of a god,

1316b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1316c. N. is the son of Re‘, his beloved,

1316d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1317a. N. is begotten of Re‘,

1317b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1317c. N. is conceived of Re‘,

1317d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

131 8a. N. is born of Re‘,

1318b. when he ascends, and lifts himself to the sky.

1318c. This magic is in the body of N.,

1318d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1319a. N. is the great sceptre in the great court in Heliopolis,

1319b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1320a. (He is) Hnnw,

1320b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1320c. (He is) Horus, the child, the youth,

1320d. when this N. ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1321a. Nut (is) she who cannot be fertilized without putting (down) her arms,

1321b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1321c. Geb is not diverted from his way,

1321d. when N. ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1322a. Each god who constructs not a stairway for N.,

1322b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky,

1322c. he shall have no p?-cake, he shall have no shade,

1323a. he shall not wash himself in the ??w-bowl,

1323b. he shall not smell (taste) a leg (of meat); he shall not pass a cutlet (over the mouth) (i.e., he shall not taste a cutlet),

1323c. the earth shall not be hoed for him; the wdn.t-offerings shall not be made for him,

1323d. when this N. ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1324a. It is certainly not N. who says that against you, O gods;

1324b. it is magic which says that against you, O gods.

1324c. N. belongs to a region under magic.

1325a. Each god who constructs stairs (or, stairway) for N.,

1325b. when N. ascends and lifts himself to the sky;

1325c. each god who vacates his throne in his boat, 1325d. when this N. ascends, and lifts himself to the sky,

1326a. the earth shall be hoed for him, the wdn.t-offering shall be made for him,

1326b. a nmt.t-bowl shall be made for him,

1326c. he shall smell a leg (of meat), he shall pass a cutlet (over the mouth),

1326d. when this N. ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1327a. Each god who takes the arm of N. to the sky, 1327b. when he comes to the house of Horus which is in ?b?.w,

1327c. his ka shall be justified before Geb.



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