The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

The Work Of The Esoteric Section

"Old Diary Leaves" tells the story of Olcott's return to India late in 1888 for the "Adyar Parliament" - his Address to Convention - never set himself up as a competent teacher - the Esoteric Section H.P.B.'s sole responsibility - glosses the European events to show himself the leading actor - the Convention of the American Section in April, 1889, following - a letter read from H.P.B. - Judge's respect and reverence for H.P.B. in contrast with Olcott's attitude - H.P.B.'s letter refers to the Esoteric Section - formed to work for Theosophy under her direction - gives a warning direct from Masters - Altruism Their object - Theosophists must strive for true fraternity - Preliminary Memorandum to candidates for the Esoteric Section - the Pledge required - secrecy, service and, study - the Esoteric Section necessary because the T.S. had proved after thirteen years a "dead failure" and a "sham" - the Esoteric Section not for "practical occultism" - for brotherly union, mutual help, and the salvation of the T.S. - other extracts from the Preliminary Memorandum and Book of Rules.



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